
ICOTS 5 1998


Plenary Addresses

Topic 1. Statistical Education at the School Level

Statistical Education At Elementary Level: The Emergence Of Statistical Reasoning

Statistical Education At The Secondary Level

Topic 2. Statistical Education at the Post-Secondary Level

Teaching Introductory Statistics And Probability (Post-Secondary)

Teaching Mathematical Statistics

Teaching Design And Analysis Of Experiments

Teaching Bayesian Methods

Teaching Sample Survey Design And Analysis

Teaching Statistics To Medical Students

Teaching Regression And Correlation

Topic 3. Statistical Education for people in the workplace

Continuous Statistical Development For Employees In Technical Industries

Statistical Consultancy, And Continuing Statistical Education

Continuing Education For Professional Statisticians

Distance Education In Statistical Education

Topic 4. Statistical education and the wider society

Statistical Societies

Statistical Literacy

Statistical Education Publications

Statistics Education For Legal Contexts

Topic 5. An international perspective of statistical education

Statistical Education In The African Region

Statistical Education In The Asian Region

Statistical Education In Spanish Speaking Regions

Statistical Education In Other Developing Regions

Topic 6. Research in teaching statistics

Research In Teaching Statistics At School Levels

Research In Teaching Statistics At Post-Secondary Levels

Research In Teaching Probability

Challenges In Assessing Statistical Reasoning Skills

Round Table Discussions On Research

Topic 7. The Role of technology in teaching statistics

Software Designed For Statistics Education

New Conceptions In Teaching Experiments Using Technology

The Use Of Graphics Calculators In The Teaching And Learning Of Statistics

Multimedia, WWW And Statistical Videos In Teaching Statistics

Visualization As An Educational Tool - Statistical Graphics

Research In Using Technology For Statistics Teaching

Topic 8. Other determinants and developments in statistical education

Cultural/Historical Factors

Learning Factors

Gender Factors

Competitions And Projects As A Positive Force In Statistical Education

Topic 9: Contributed Papers

Statistical Education At The Post Secondary Level 1

Statistical Education At The Post Secondary Level 2

General Issues in Statistical Education

Statistics Applied to Other Fields of Study

Novel Approaches to Statistical Education

Other Aspects of Statistical Education

Computer Based Tools for Teaching Statistics 1

Computer Based Tools for Teaching Statistics 2

International Experience In Teaching Statistics

Improving Statistical Education

Simulation In Statistical Education

Progress in Statistical Education

Topic 10: Posters