ICOTS11 website➶ (for conference themes, program, sponsors, host, etc.)

ICOTS 11 2022

Rosario, Argentina


Topic 1: Aligning Statistics Education with Today’s Social Challenges

Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level

Topic 4: Capacity Building in Statistics Education

Topic 5: Statistics education in the workplace, government and across disciplines

Topic 6: Overcoming challenges of teaching probability and risk in statistics education

Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

Topic 8: Advances in statistics education research

Topic 9: Teaching Statistics Online

Topic 10: Statistics Education with Technology and Multimedia Resources

Topic 11: Teaching Statistics to Special Needs Students

Topic 12: Teaching Statistics where Access to Technology is Challenging

Topic 13: Statistics Communication and Dissemination: Importance and Practice

Contributed papers
