IASE 2015 Satellite Conference
Advances in statistics education: developments, experiences, and assessments
22 – 24 July 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Program Outline

The conference begins on July 22 (Day 1) at 14:30, ends on July 22 (Day 3) at 18:00.

Pre-conference workshops

Day 1Wednesday 22 July8:00-10:30 Workshop A (part I)
8:30-10:30 Workshops B, C, D and E (part I)
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-13:30 Workshops A, B, C, D and E (part II) (some will finish at 12:45)
13:30-14:30 Lunch

See the Tent of Statistics
at the ABE stand

Satellite Conference

Day 1 Wednesday, 22 July07:30–17:30Registration
14:30–15:30 Opening Ceremony
15:30–16:15 Keynote I - Pedro Silva
16:15–16:45 Coffee Break
16:45-18:15 Parallel paper sessions
18:30-19:15 Keynote II - John Bailer
19:15-20:15 Posters (ISLP competition only)
Day 2Thursday, 23 July08:00–17:30Registration
8:30-10:10 Parallel paper sessions
10:15-11:00 Keynote III - Wei Yuan
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-13:00 Parallel paper sessions
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16h00 Parallel paper sessions
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 Keynote IV - Francisco Louzada
17:00-18:30 Poster Session
20:30- Gala Dinner
Day 3Friday, 24 July08:00–10:00Registration
8:30–9:30Special sessions: (session 1) Open meeting of ISLP (Int'l Statistical Literacy project), (session 2) Brief demo of JMP software, (session 3) brief demo of IMPUS databases for teaching and research.
9:45-11:15 Parallel paper sessions
11:15–11:30 Coffee Break
11:30–13:00 Parallel paper sessions
13:00–14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:15 Keynote V - Hollylyne S. Lee
15:30-16:00 Closing ceremony
16:15-18:00 Special sessions: (1) Meeting of Latin-American researchers in statistics education (Open discussion and networking), (2) Brief demonstration of IPUMS and IDHS teaching datasets (See Workshop E for more info about this international resource)
Evening Farewell entertaining: Explore "Rio Scenarium", or "Lapa by night" (optional, on your own - see "Social functions" below)


Five workshops, (under the format of tutorials and short courses) will be held on Day 1 morning, before the Opening ceremony. Choose one - participation is free (thanks to all the sponsors!) but Pre-registration is required (see Registration page). Space is limited, note language!!.

Special sessions:

Day 3 Morning

These sessions are held for information, demonstration, and networking. Participation is open to all, No registration required. More details will be provided at the Opening Ceremony and during the conference.

Day 3 afternoon:

Keynote speakers

Social functions

Come to Rio and enjoy true Brazilian hospitality, make new friends and meet your colleagues from around the world, in a cozy, warm atmosphere, with local music and special foods.

Dinner: Check out the details about the Conference Dinner on the Registration page (optional, extra cost).

Farewell entertainment: After the end of Day 3, you are welcome to explore on your own two great places. One is Rio Scenarium (The renovated "Hall of culture" with live entrainment and special views - see: www.rioscenarium.com.br/novo/quem_somos.php). The other is Lapa at night, an area of small streets with many restaurants and shops at an old lovely section of Rio, see: www.rio.com/restaurants-night-life/lapa-night. These locations offer many food options and some music; they are not part of the conference program and going there depends on your choices - but we assume several delegates will want to go there, hence this could be a nice way to end your visit with new and old friends. The local organizers will provide some more information during the conference.

Portuguese and Spanish sessions

In addition to the main program in English, the conference includes several features in Portuguese and Spanish, including pre-conference sessions and paper sessions. We will also hold a special open meeting on Day 3 afternoon for networking of researchers from Latin-American countries.

IASE 2015 - submissões em Português ou Espanhol

A 9ª. Conferência Satélite do IASE, Associação Internacional de Educação Estatística, será realizada no Rio de Janeiro entre 22 e 24 de Julho de 2015 com.o tema "Os avanços na Educação Estatística: desenvolvimentos, experiências e avaliações"e com os seguintes subtemas:

• Motivando professores e alunos,

• Big Data, estatísticas oficiais e as estatísticas de educação,

• Promovendo a educação estatística através do uso de tecnologias e dispositivos móveis,

• Educação Estatística na era das redes sociais e Educação a Distância.



Patrocínio: ABE (Associação Brasileira de Estatística), ENCE/IBGE; IAOS (Associação Internacional das Estatísticas Oficiais) e SAS.

Nota: haverá também oficinas e pré-conferências em Português e Espanhol.

IASE 2015 – presentaciones en portugués o español

La 9ª Conferencia Satélite de IASE, Asociación Internacional de Educación Estadística, se llevara a cabo en Rio de Janeiro del 22 al 24 de julio de 2015 con el tema general “Avances en la Educación Estadística: desarrollos, experiencias y evaluaciones” y con los siguientes subtemas:

• Motivando profesores y alumnos

• Big Data, estadísticas oficiales y estadísticas en educación

• Promoviendo la educación estadística a través del uso de tecnología y dispositivos móviles

• Educación Estadística en una era de redes sociales y Educación a Distancia.


Organización: IASE, UNIRIO y ENCE/IBGE

Patrocinio: ABE (Associação Brasileira de Estatística), ENCE/IBGE; IAOS (Asociación Internacional de Estadísticas Oficiales) y SAS.

Nota: también habrá talleres y pre-conferencias en portugués y español.