IASE 2015 Satellite Conference
Advances in statistics education: developments, experiences, and assessments
22 – 24 July 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About the Conference Committees, Organizers and Sponsors

Local Organising Committee (LOC)

Bruno Francisco Teixeira Simões (Chair) (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Alexandre Sousa da Silva (co-chair) (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
José Matias de Lima (ENCE/IBGE, National School of Statistical Sciences, Brazil)
Lisbeth Kaiserlian Cordani (USP, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Luciane de Souza Velasque (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Luiz Amancio Machado de Souza Junior (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Maria Beatriz Assunção Mendes da Cunha (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Maria Tereza Serrano Barbosa (UFSB, Federal University of South Bahia, Brazil)
Mauren Porciúncula Moreira da Silva (FURG, University of Rio Grande, Brazil)
Steven Dutt-Ross (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

International Program Committee (IPC)

Pedro Campos (Chair) (University of Porto & Statistics Portugal)
Alejandra Sorto (Texas State University, Austin; USA)
Alexandre Sousa da Silva (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Andrej Blejec (National Institute of Biology, Slovenia)
Bruno Francisco Teixeira Simões (UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
John Harraway (University of Otago, New Zealand)
José Matias de Lima (ENCE/IBGE, National School of Statistical Sciences, Brazil)
Pete Brodie (Office for National Statistics, UK)

Whom to contact

Organizers and Sponsors

The conference is co-organized by the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), and sponsored by ISI (International Statistical Institute), ENCE (National School of Statistics at IBGE, Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics), SAS Institute/JMP Division, IPUMS-International, FUNDAÇÃO CESGRANRIO (Brazil), and IAOS (International Association for Official Statistics).

Below is more information about these organizations and institutions.


The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE), is the international umbrella organization for statistics education, and is the education section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). IASE seeks to promote, support and improve statistical education at all levels around the world, and help the understanding and use of information involving statistics and probability. IASE fosters international cooperation, stimulates discussion and encourages and publishes relevant research. It disseminates ideas, strategies, research findings, materials, educational resources and information via its publications, international conferences, and websites.

IASE meetings are lively, informal gatherings that draw together many people, professionals and students interested in the learning, teaching, and understanding of statistics and probability at schools and universities, in the workplace, and in professional and societal contexts, whether as part of statistics education, mathematics or science education, in connection with the work of official statistics agencies and other data producers, and in many other contexts.

Visit the IASE website to find out more about IASE and its activities.

Join IASE to network with the world-wide statistics education community and obtain discounted registration to all international activities of IASE.

Visit the website of the 60th World Statistics Congress (WSC60). This large conference takes place from July 26-31, in a different part of Rio. WSC60 is organized by the International Statistical Institute (ISI), the worldwide network of statisticians and those interested in statistics in all disciplines, of which IASE is a part.


UNIRIO, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro is a foundation under public law member of the Federal System of Higher Education. It originated from the Federation of Schools of Isolated State of Guanabara (FEFIEG), in August 20, 1969, which assembled insulated institutions of higher education, previously linked to the Ministries of Labor, Commerce and Industry ; of Health; and Education and Culture.

The UNIRIO's mission is to produce and disseminate knowledge in the various fields of knowledge, contributing to the full exercise of citizenship through humanistic, critical and reflective training, preparing competent professionals and updated for the world of work and to improve the living conditions of society.

The overall objectives are to produce, disseminate and preserve knowledge in all fields of knowledge and to train citizens with humanistic, critical and reflective awareness, commitment to society and its transformation. Additionally to qualify for professional practice, to provide and encourage the development of basic and applied research, especially related to the stricto sensu graduate programs and to extend the benefits to society from the cultural, artistic, scientific and technological creation generated in the institution and to maintain exchanges with public and private organizations and social movements entities.

More information about UNIRIO


The National School of Statistical Sciences, a higher education institution maintained by The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, IBGE, offers a first degree in Statistics and runs a post-graduate program on Population, Territory and Public Statistics. The Bachelor degree was created in 1953 and constituted the first initiative in this area in Brazil. It was created to form statistical framework aimed at production of National Statistics, having been the first college of Statistics Brazil and Latin America. The School promotes research activities. It is also in charge of capacity building, and training activities for IBGE employees and other civil servants, operates on three levels of education, also offering refresher courses and loose extension. Between its work programs include Bachelor Course in Statistics (since 1953); Specialization Course in Environmental Analysis and Management Planning (since 1997); Master Program in Population Studies and Social Research (since 1998) and Training IBGE servants - Annual Training Plan (ATP). One of the objectives of the post-graduate program is to promote the use of public statistics to portray the population and territorial dynamics and the evolution of the country.

More information about ENCE and IBGE

SAS Institute / JMP Division

JMP is a desktop statistical discovery software from SAS that links interactive graphs with deep statistics. In the classroom, its visual approach to data exploration and analysis promotes understanding and collaboration. JMP reveals context and insight not seen in a table of numbers. The academic version of the software includes the same comprehensive and extensible capabilities that are used in the industry version. JMP is available for both Macintosh and Windows systems.

More information about JMP


IPUMS-International is a global partnership of national statistical offices, international organizations and university researchers. Our goals are to preserve, harmonize, and disseminate confidentialized census data and documentation to qualified researchers and educators world-wide, free of charge. With the June 2015 data release, the database will deliver data from 82 countries and 277 census samples with over 610 million person records available. Included in these totals, are micro-data samples from the 2010-round of census taking for 41 countries. The datasets are also available for classroom use, with an option for instructors to register their class. Students then use the class code when applying for access to the data. The IPUMS-International project is housed at the Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, USA.

More information about IPUMS-International

ABE - The Brazilian Statistical Association

The Brazilian Statistical Association (ABE) has, as its main objective to promote the development, dissemination and application of Statistics in Brazil. Due to the diversity of Statistics in several areas of knowledge, ABE's mission is to promote, through events a broad exchange between teachers, researchers, professionals and students from various fields that require statistics.

The Brazilian Statistical Association has three types of members: fellows, student and institutional. We currently have about 400 members (according to 2009/2010 registration). ABE also has, as Institutional Members, the following institutions or companies: Statsoft, IME-USP, IBGE, IMECC-UNICAMP, CNI, Statistica and Tecnometrica.

More information about ABE


A FUNDAÇÃO CESGRANRIO, em seu quadragésimo ano de caminhada, continua em sintonia com a modernidade e a buscar incessantemente novos caminhos no processo desafiante de formar e educar novas gerações. Em suas ações, tem visado não só ao universo educacional, mas também ao conjunto da sociedade.

Após essa longa jornada, no entanto, acreditamos que ainda temos muito a fazer em prol da educação brasileira. Temos de consolidar o nosso mestrado em avaliação e implantar definitivamente projetos de formação e de capacitação lato sensu, com pelo menos 360 horas de duração, a fim de disseminar, socializar esse conhecimento que a Cesgranrio adquiriu e que tem a obrigação de compartilhar com todos aqueles que lutam para requalificar o ensino em nosso país.

Devemos, também, dedicar-nos cada vez mais à certificação de pessoas, de profissões e de instituições. Da mesma forma, vamos revigorar nossos projetos culturais, convencidos de que, através da ambiência cultural, iremos também ajudar a requalificar o ensino brasileiro, fazendo desabrochar muito mais a capacidade de apreensão de conhecimentos e o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades, indispensáveis à real participação em uma sociedade do terceiro milênio.

More information about FUNDAÇÃO CESGRANRIO


The International Association for Official Statistics is an international organization that brings together producers and users of official statistics. Its objectives are to promote the understanding and advancement of official statistics and to foster the development of effective and efficient official statistical services on a global basis. IAOS is a member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).

More information about IAOS