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Who Wants to be Statistically Literate?

The Pilot Competition of the International Statistical Literacy Project

North Portugal, August 14-18, 2007


Sample Games used in the Competitions and Games used for Training

The following games were designed using resources from Portugal sites such as ALEA, Statistica Descriptiva and some materials donated by Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento. A few of the items were translated from some other international resources featured in the ISLP web site. The games below were used in the competitions in North Portugal, and consequently, they are in Portuguese. However, they can give an idea of the kind of questions asked. The format of the International Statistical Literacy Competition will be different, but students can use these here to practice.

Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

In addition to the above games, students can use the ones that were posted before the competition in Portugal for students to train.

Jogo 1 para treino, Jogo 2 para treino, Jogo 3 para treino

Sponsors and Prizes

The First International Statistical Literacy Competition was sponsored by the Associação de Professores de Matemática (APM) de Portugal, the Section on Statistics Education of the American Statistics Asociation (ASA), the International Statistical Institute (ISI), the Department of Statistics at UCLA, the Instituto Nacional de Estatistica de Portugal (INE), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte (Portugal), Australian Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Online Computaitonal Resources (SOCR) and some individual donations. Some of these institutions and individuals contributed the prizes that the students obtained in the elimanatory games and the final games and transportation costs of the students. Other institutions contributed classrooms and conference rooms where we conducted the games or some food. Other institutions contributed photocopies, paper and material to disseminate the competition. Some individuals contributed the salaries of the graduate students helping conduct the competition, and other food and paper costs at the site. The software prizes that the teachers obtained were donated by Tim Hesterberg, John Monahan, and Wendy Martinez, who, in a nice gesture, donated the door prizes they received at the Statistics Computing and Graphics Mixer at the JSM in Salt Lake City, August 2007.

We thank all these institutions and individuals for their contributions, without which the games would not have been possible.