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First International Statistical Literacy Competition 2008-2009

This competition had three phases and was done in 5 languages without the use of computers: first phase was in the students’ school; second, winners in each school competed nationally for a national champion; third, national champions competed in the final, hosted by Statistics South Africa in Durban, South Africa, August 2009. The reason for having three phases, lasting over a long period and being done in 5 languages was to guarantee the largest participation possible.

Phase III wss the final of the competition, fully sponsored by Statistics South Africa under the ISIBALO Capacity Building Program, and organized in cooperation by ISIBALO and the ISLP. Students and teachers met in South Africa during the week of the Biennial Session of the ISI organized by Statistics South Africa and shared the conference venue with delegates from many countries.

Students had to analyse sample data and take an examination (produced in five languages).


“Dedicated, hard working and ambitious are just some of the words that describe the learners who took part in the ISIBALO International Statistical Literacy Project Competition. All the 44 children who participated in the competition are winners. Their intelligence and willpower is inspirational, and their future in the world of statistics sparkles.” (Zanele Nondzimba, ISIBANE 21 August, 2009, page 3.)

Age category 12 to 14

  • First Prize: Micaela Zabalo (Argentina)
  • Second Prize: Amanda Ens (Canada)
  • Third Prize: Denise Msowoya (Malawi)

Age category 15 to 16

  • First Prize: Memory Nuka (Malawi)
  • Second Prize: Tamaryn Fortuin (South Africa)
  • Third Prize: Rosa de Vivo (Italy)

Age Category 17 to 18, AP

  • First Prize: Justus Mutanen (Finland)
  • Second Prize: Teele Semala Hala (Lesotho)
  • Third Prize: Moriah Rahamim (United States)


Statistician General of South Africa, Pali Lehohla is shown in the pictures below with ISLP Director Juana Sanchez (2007-2009) presenting the awards.