These are available free online:
- Formación del Profesorado para Enseñar Estadística: Retos y Oportunidades (Teacher education to teach statistics: challenges and opportunities)➶, Salcedo, A. y Díaz-Levicoy, D. (Eds.) Centro de Investigación en Educación Matemática y Estadística. Universidad Católica del Maule. ISBN: 978-956-6067-45-0
Este eBook tiene 20 capítulos donde se discute la necesidad de contar con profesores que posean sólidos conocimientos didácticos y disciplinares que aseguren el logro de los aprendizajes en estadística por parte de los estudiantes. Reúne trabajos de investigadores de Argentina, Alemania, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, España, México, Perú, Portugal, Uruguay y Venezuela. La formación de profesores para enseñar estadística se aborda desde el currículo, los libros de texto, las actitudes, la evaluación, pero también se presentan propuestas de formación estadística. Se tocan temas específicos, como el muestreo o las variables aleatorias, pero también todos los niveles de educación. A nivel general, la investigación reporta los problemas que tienen los profesores tanto en lo didáctico como en lo disciplinar al momento de enseñar estadística, por lo que se hace necesario prestar atención a ese tema si se desea mejorar la Educación Estadística. De allí la publicación de este libro.
This eBook has 20 chapters that discuss the need for teachers with solid didactic and disciplinary knowledge to ensure the achievement of learning in statistics by students. It brings together works by researchers from Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela. The training of teachers to teach statistics is approached from the point of view of curriculum, textbooks, attitudes, evaluation, but proposals for statistical training are also presented. Specific topics, such as sampling or random variables, but also all levels of education, are covered. At a general level, the research reports the problems that teachers have both in the didactic and disciplinary aspects when teaching statistics, so it is necessary to pay attention to this subject if we wish to improve Statistics Education. Hence the publication of this book.
- Temas emergentes em letramento estatístico (Emerging themes in statistical literacy)➶ (2021), (Eds. Carlos Eduardo, Ferreira Monteiro, Liliane Maria Teixeira, Lima de Carvalho)
This eBook addresses statistical literacy which must be developed, above all, in the sociocultural contexts in which we live, with the production and increasing and faster dissemination of statistical data, but also of misinformation and data manipulation. The book is organized into three parts, consists of 20 chapters, with 25 authors involved. Part 1 is entitled "Reflections on emerging themes in statistical literacy" and comprises five chapters proposed by guest researchers. Part 2, "Sociocultural aspects in statistical literacy", presents six chapters. Finally, part 3, "Contemporary themes in the education of teachers who teach statistics", includes nine chapters.
- The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education (1997), (eds: Iddo Gal & Joan Garfield, pub. ISI)
- The Training of Statisticians Round the World (1987), (ed. R.M. Loynes, pub. ISI.) The report of the ISI Task Force on Technical and Tertiary Education in Statistics. An effort was made to include chapters on all major regions in the world and to describe how training of statisticians is arranged in each of the countries included in the report.
- Teaching Statistics in Schools throughout the World (1982), (ed. Vic Barnett, pub. ISI.) The report from the ISI Taskforce on Teaching Statistics at School Level, it provides a review of the nature of statistical education at the time in 16 developed and developing countries.