
Book: The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education

Edited by I. Gal University of Haifa, Israel and J.B. Garfield University of Minnesota, USA.

Technical Editor: Matthew Segaard.

IOS Press, 1997 (on behalf of the ISI). ISBN 90 5199 333 1.

Copyright holder: International Statistical Institute. Permission granted by ISI to the IASE to make the chapters from this book freely available on the Internet.


Part I. Curricular Goals and Assessment Frameworks

Part II. Assessing Conceptual Understanding of Statistical Ideas

Part III. Innovative Models for Classroom Assessment

Part IV. Assessing Understanding of Probability

End matter

Thanks are due to: ISI, Iddo Gal and Joan Garfield for making their book available; Carol Joyce Blumberg of Winona State University (USA) for organizing this project; Tasfia Ahmed of Winona State University, for scanning in and editing all of the files; and Stephen Cope and Zaw Win Tun of the University of Auckland for their website work.