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Judging criteria

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1. Clarity of the message

a. Is the poster understandable without extra information?

b. Are the objectives, research question or hypotheses clear?

c. Are the results and conclusions clear?

d. Is the poster clearly and logically set out?

2. Data collection

a. Are the collected data appropriate for answering the research question?

b. Are the data collection methods clearly stated (repeatable)? (e.g., primary data collection by survey,

or other measurement tools; or secondary sources are cited – published reports, databases, etc.)

c. Has data quality been considered? (i.e., accuracy of measurements, size of the sample, reliability of

sources and methods of sampling, validity, etc.)

d. Have the effects of variation, and how to mitigate and/or learn from such, been considered when

obtaining data?

e. Have comparison groups been considered and well-constructed where applicable?

f. Are the data sources referenced in the poster?

3. Analysis and conclusions

a. Are the data analysed in terms of the research question or hypotheses?

b. Is the analysis appropriate for the kind of data collected?

c. How well is the research question answered?

d. Are there conclusions and are they supported by the data?

e. Are there any limitations discussed or improvements for future studies suggested?

4. Graphs and tables

a. Are the graphs/tables/statistics appropriate for displaying and summarising the data?

b. Are there adequate graphs/tables from different perspectives?

c. Does every graph/table add something to the poster?

d. Are the graphs/tables properly titled and explained?

5. Presentation

a. Is the poster readable from 2 metres (7 feet) away – see Rules document for font sizes to ensure

this is achieved?

b. Is there a good balance between graphs and text?

c. Does the poster look neat?

6. Creativity/importance

a. Is the research question creative, original?

b. Can the study answer an interesting question?

c. Is the design creative and original?

d. Is the poster eye-catching?

Thank you for your consideration of this competition. We hope to continue to bring many valuable and

enjoyable hours of learning experience to students and teachers.