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The International Statistical Literacy Project is under the umbrella of the International Association for Statistical Education➶ (IASE), the education section of the International Statistical Institute➶ (ISI). It is managed by the ISLP Executive and overseen by the the ISLP Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is chaired by the IASE President and has representatives of IASE, IAOS and ISI.

Learn about the History of the ISLP and the World Numeracy Project, see all the people managing this project, our history and our mission.

The ISLP would not be possible without the effort of volunteers throughout the past years. If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact The Director, Reija Helenius. In particular we are currently looking for country representatives.


An ISI committee was established in 1994 to stimulate the spread of quantitative skills around the world in areas and populations (especially in developing countries and among the young) that could benefit from increased knowledge of numbers and their applications, with particular regard to statistics. The committee was known as the World Numeracy Program Advisory Committee and was chaired by Prof. Luigi Biggeri (Italy).

In September 2000, the ISI President invited this program to come under the umbrella of the IASE. Carol Joyce Blumberg (USA), one of the Vice Presidents of IASE, took over as chair in July 2001.

In the ISLP meeting at ICOTS-6 in Bahia, Brasil, 2006, the decision was made to change the title of the person responsible for managing the ISLP to Director of the ISLP. A search committee was appointed to find a new Director that would replace Carol Blumberg, who moved from Winona State to a new job with the US Government. The result of this search, opened to all members of the IASE, resulted in Juana Sanchez (USA) being appointed as new Director of the ISLP for the term Jan 2007-Dec 2010.

More history here: 1994 to 2002 and from 2003


If you like the work we do, perhaps you would consider sponsoring some of our activities or volunteering time. All the work done is volunteer. The International Statistical Institute handles our finances. Go to Donations.