

  • CAST
    Computer-Assisted Statistics Teaching. Complete course in introductory statistics. (Doug Stirling, Massey, NZ)
  • Chance and Data in the News
    Newspaper articles collected in Tasmania, Australia.
  • Chance Database (USA)
    Data from recent media coverage of current events. Only a few datasets here, but many excellent references to teaching applications of statistics in the news can be found at the main CHANCE page.
  • Exploring Data
    Education Queensland (Mainly School level)
  • Gullible.info
    Collection of fictional facts and figures that appear authoritative but are complete nonsense.
  • How To Use Statistical Sampling
  • Illuminations
    Provides Internet resources that will help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics for all students, professional development for teachers of mathematics, Standards-based resources for classroom use and helps communicate the vision of Standards-based mathematics teaching and learning.
    Computer program for data management and basic statistical analysis of experimental data. Developed primarily for the analysis of data from agricultural field trials, but many of the features can be used for analysis of data from other sources.
  • NCS SchoolHouse
    Applications, services, and technologies that customers in education, testing, assessments, government, and business rely on to make their lives easier.
  • Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education
  • Statistical jokes
    A large collection of jokes which may be useful when teaching.
  • The Probability Web
    A collection of online probability resources for researchers, teachers and people in the probability community.
  • ViSta
    The Visual Statistics System: very-high-interaction, dynamic graphics that show you multiple views of your data simultaneously.