
Discussion lists

  • IASE Discussion Forum
    This is a IASE members only discussion forum. Connect with members around the world and share the details of your events, seek collaboration with colleagues and more.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Listserve
    The AP Listserver is an excellent resource for all teachers of introductory statistics. The above link gives a complete archive of the messages posted to the apstat listserver.
    UK-based worldwide e-mail broadcast system for the statistical community. Broadly speaking, any messages relevant to statistics are welcome, although posters are asked to follow the guidelines in the introduction.
    Network for dissemination of information regarding statistical activity in Australia and New Zealand.
  • asacnslt
    ASA Consulting Issue
    (Association of Statistics Specialists Using Microsoft Excel) discussion forum for all those in higher education who make use of the statistical facilities in Excel.
  • Edstat-l
    Started as a statistics education listserve. But, now it is more of a discussion of statistical issues related to data analysis.
  • Isolated Statisticians
    Isolated Statisticians Despite its name, this is a listserve that deals with teaching undergraduate (postsecondary) statistics.
    To exchange information on MIMAS facilities. MIMAS gives the UK academic community online access to, and support for, many large and complex datasets.
  • Stated Research in Statistical Education