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New Media Resources in 2016

RSS Statistical Excellence in Journalism awards for 2016

The winners of the RSS Statistical Excellence in Journalism Awards 2016 announced

Sites focused on developing Statistical Literacy for Journalism and Media Professionals


The Royal Statistical Society offers Resources for Journalists➶ as a means to help reporting on stories with science and statistics. Free online courses provide an introduction to the essentials of how science works, and give an overview the basic principles and methods of statistics. The emphasis is on questions to ask, pitfalls to look out for, and suggestions on how to communicate clearly, to best serve audiences.


Stats.org➶ is a collaboration between Sense About Science USA and the American Statistical Association to assist journalists and media professionals. They offer free advice, workshops, and topical analysis in support of the view that “statistics is—in our information age—the new journalism.”

News and Media Sites focused on Statistics and Statistical Literacy

Chance News

Chance News➶provides an ongoing review of "current stories in the news that involve probability or statistical concepts." Click through to Chance News 107 to see most current postings.


FiveThirtyEight➶, founded by Nate Silver, provides analysis, interpretation and opinion applying statistics and analytics to current topics in Politics, Sports, Science & Health, Economics, and Culture.

Statistics Views

Statistics Views➶ is provided by John Wiley & Sons Limited, of West Sussex. Published features on StatisticsViews.com are checked for statistical accuracy by a panel from the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS).