IASE 2017 Satellite Conference
Teaching Statistics in a Data Rich World
11 – 14 July 2017, Rabat, Morocco

Payment by Bank (wire) Transfer

Payment by bank transfer will be made in € Euro to one of ISI bank accounts in The Netherlands (Holland) listed below. The fees in Euros are as follows:

Registration Fee Category
(Bank transfer only. All fees in this table are in € Euro)
(to 30 April 2017)
(1 May to 04 July 2017)
On site
Not possible for bank transfer
1. Members of IASE, ISI, or other ISI associations€ 170€ 190----
2. Non-Members€ 230€ 250----
3. Reduced fees: Students, teachers, retired, host country (Brazil) and
developing countries (this fee applies both to
ISI/IASE members and non-members)
€ 85€ 95----

Please instruct your bank that ALL transaction costs are at the payer’s (your) expense.

Please include this reference number in your payment: 88000, and if possible insert in a comment field: “IASE Rabat”.

Bank accounts holder information:

Name:International Statistical Institute
Tax/VAT number:NL 0033.85.073.B.01
Address:ISI Permanent Office
312 Henri Faasdreef, P.O. Box 24070
2490 AB The Hague, The Netherlands

Bank account 1Bank account 2
Bank nameINGABN AMRO Bank N.V.
Bank addressPostbus 94780
1090 GT
Postbus 19510
2500 CM
Account number:23993251.15.39.258
IBAN codeNL36INGB0000239932NL71 ABNA 0511 5392 58
Reference number:8800088000
or in comment field:“IASE Rabat”“IASE Rabat”

Please instruct your bank that ALL transaction costs are at the payer’s (your) expense.