
Statistical literacy demands are evolving ─ How do we cope with the challenge?

Presented at: 15 December 2021; 19:00 UTC

Webinar duration: 90 minutes

Presenter(s): Iddo Gal

(Department of Human Services, University of Haifa, Israel; Iddo@Research.Haifa.ac.il)

This webinar focuses on “big picture” issues and dilemmas related to the promotion of statistical literacy, as part of the aspiration for a numerate citizenship that has key competencies required in modern societies. The talk will first sketch and illustrate several frontiers, seemingly known but rapidly changing, involving real-world demands for “official statistics literacy”, understanding of models and prediction issues, and expanding demands for criticality. Such and related developments, some of which are supported by recent research or global realities, challenge traditional curricula and teaching practices in mathematics education, in college-level introductory statistics courses, and in adult education systems. I will then ask you to reflect on systemic tensions and “social equity” gaps associated with how such evolving demands for statistical literacy are currently handled (or not) in education systems. The last part of the webinar will be an open discussion that aims to clarify some of the (hard) choices and realities we need to face regarding curricular goals and course design and explore some solutions that may support the development of statistical literacy for all. We may not come out of this webinar with all the right answers — but certainly with some good questions.


Video of webinar

Presentation - final slides

Website for ProCivicStat through IASE

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