
  • SARAH DART Queensland University of Technology




Statistics education research, Problem-solving, Active learning, Academic performance, Course satisfaction


Statistics courses are frequently perceived by tertiary students as extremely difficult and anxiety-inducing, negatively impacting student outcomes and experiences. To address this, the present study considered worked example videos (where an instructor demonstrates the solution to a problem while narrating the process) as a blended learning approach for enhancing an introductory business statistics course taken by 2265 students over three semesters. Impact was evaluated with video usage, academic performance, and student survey data. Students heavily utilised worked example videos before assessment deadlines, frequently employing active learning strategies during their engagements. Improvements in academic performance and course satisfaction were observed compared to previous cohorts. This demonstrates worked example videos are well-suited to large-enrolment courses due to their highly scalable capacity to deliver timely support for learning, which individuals can tailor to their diverse needs.


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