IASE 2016 Roundtable Conference
Promoting understanding of statistics about society
19 – 22 July 2016, Berlin, Germany


The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) is pleased to announce its 2016 Roundtable Conference, July 19-22, 2016 at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB) in Berlin, Germany, before the 13th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME13; July 24-31, 2016, Hamburg). The Roundtable is co-organized by IASE and MPIB and sponsored by the German Consortium in Statistics (DAGStat), the German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM), the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program ProCivic-Stat, and other partners.

Theme & Goals: The four-day Roundtable will be a working conferences with participation by invitation (only). About 55-60 folks from around the world and the host country will work together on a unique theme: “Promoting understanding of statistics about society“. The Roundtable aims to advance current knowledge about ways to improve the understanding of data and statistics related to key social phenomena (such as trends in migration, employment, equality, demographic change, crime, poverty, access to services, energy, education, human rights, and others). Understanding of such issues is essential for civic engagement in modern societies, but involves statistics that often are open, official, multivariate in nature, and/or dynamic, which are usually not at the core of regular statistics instruction.

The conference goal is to contribute to the development of conceptual frameworks, teaching methods, technology solutions, and curricular materials (especially for learners at the tertiary/college and high-school/secondary levels) that can support and promote learning and understanding of statistics about such social phenomena. All submissions will be peer-refereed.

Topics and possible roles in the conference

We seek applications that fit the theme and goals listed above, and that address at least one of the five topics described under the Themes menu. Applicants are asked to choose one of the following four roles for the submission:

  • Paper presenter (long or short oral talk);
  • Workshop teacher or Demonstration Lesson teacher (see specific suggestions under Topic 2) ;
  • Poster;
  • Discussant or Workgroup leader.

The website opened for submissions on 20 October 2015. Please see the Conference Announcement (short, 2 pages) and the Guidelines for Submissions (longer, 5 pages) files under the Notices menu for more information and for details about Key Dates for submissions. See "Themes" menu for more information about the five specific Topics on which we will focus. Note that there are separate deadlines and submission processes for the four roles listed above.

Some examples for the range of possible contributions and submissions to the Roundtable:

  1. Key concepts necessary to promote understanding of social phenomena via large, authentic data sets or aggregate tables release by official statistics agencies
  2. Reflective reports on teaching experiences with rich data relevant to social topics — e.g. poverty, migration, demographic change, environment, or human rights
  3. Constructions and misconstructions of statistical evidence related to social phenomena in the public domain, e.g. by the media, and how to overcome them
  4. Conceptual barriers to learning about social data
  5. Technology tools (e.g. data visualizations programs, applets, etc) that can simplify accessing and managing of open data or Big data by students at the high-school or tertiary levels
  6. Options for innovation (or barriers) in assessment or professional development in the context of teaching/learning of statistics about society.

More information

Program and participants: The Roundtable will be a working conference (in English) with a diverse program, offering a mix of papers (i.e., oral talks), posters, workshops and project/lesson/technology demonstrations, followed by discussions, and rich social activities. We encourage submissions by colleagues from diverse backgrounds, including from researchers, graduate students, statisticians and educators in universities and other academic or R&D institutions, cognitive scientists, high-school teachers and trainers, professionals from official statistics agencies, public agencies, the media, and technology developers. It is assumed that all participants will take an active part in all sessions and will participate during the whole 4-day conference.

Products and publications: One main outcome of the Roundtable will be a monograph containing a set of high-standard updated papers reflecting the discussions and work at the Roundtable; All papers and posters as well as teaching resources based on the Roundtable will be published in the IASE online Proceedings, some may appear in planned Resources webpage.

Registration, funding support, and submissions: See Registration menu for details about fees, registration dates (for those invited to the conference) and funding support. Submissions will be possible from 10 October 2015, via the Registration page. Note that there are separate deadlines and submission processes for the possible four roles in the Roundtable, as explained in the Guidelines for Submission.

Committees and contacts: The conference is managed by an International Program Committee (IPC) and a Local Organizing Committee (LOC). See the About page for details about the IPC and LOC members, contact details and where to send questions.



The program outline has been updated, together with details of sessions.


Registration is now closed.

Key information:

The venue and Berlin

Entrance to the Max Planck Institute for Human Development


Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

Bode Museum on Museum Island