Statistics New Zealand CPI - Groups and Subgroups

Group SubGroup Expenditure Proportion / Weight
Food Fruit and vegetables
Meat, poultry and fish
Grocery food
Non-alcoholic beverages
Restaurant meals and ready-to-eat food
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Alcoholic beverages
Cigarettes and tobacco
Clothing and footwear Clothing
Housing and household utilities Actual rentals for housing
Home ownership
Property maintenance
Property rates and related services
Household energy
Household contents and services Furniture, furnishings and floor coverings
Household textiles
Household appliances
Glassware, tableware and household utensils
Tools and equipment for house and garden
Other household supplies and services
Health Medical products, appliances and equipment
Out-patient services
Hospital services
Transport Purchase of vehicles
Private transport supplies and services
Passenger transport services
Communication Postal services
Telecommunication equipment
Telecommunication services
Recreation and culture Audio-visual and computing equipment
Major recreational and cultural equipment
Other recreational equipment and supplies
Recreational and cultural services
Newspapers, books and stationery
Accommodation services
Package holidays
Education Early childhood education
Primary and secondary education
Tertiary and other post-school education
Other education
Miscellaneous goods and services group Personal care
Personal effects
Credit services
Other miscellaneous services

Source: Example Groups and Subgroups in Statistics New Zealands CPI.